Supported Independent Living

The NDIS provides Supported Independent Living (SIL) funding to help you find the right staff to assist you with daily tasks in your home. People living in shared accommodation may also be eligible for SIL funding if they are NDIS participants.

At Courage Support Services, we offer Supported Independent Living (SIL) services. These SIL services are available to participants who have been allocated SIL funding by the Department of Human Services and match the participant’s support needs. Our team can work with you to design supports that are completely customized to your needs. Supported housing can include shared hours of one-to-one or two-to-one support and include any type of overnight support.

NDIS Logo - National Disability Insurance Scheme

What is Supported Independent Living?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a service that provides participants with round-the-clock assistance with daily tasks so they can live independently.

SIL is a day program for people who need a high degree of assistance throughout the day, such as those with physical or cognitive disabilities. The amount of SIL funding you receive depends on the level and type of support required to live independently, and what is considered reasonable and necessary.

SDA is specifically designed housing for participants with complex care needs, while SIL is the onsite supports that provide assistance with daily tasks and help participants to develop independent living skills.

Getting Started With Supported Independent Living

Some participants may be eligible for funding for both self-directed assistance and supported independent living. These services will be funded separately in your plan to provide more flexibility with service providers.

Courage Support Services creates personalised quotes for families and other professionals using assessments, documentation, and other information. We have a high approval rate for our quotes, which helps our clients lead independent lives. Please call us to discuss how we can help you.

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