How to choose a Disability Care Service - Melbourne, Victoria

How to choose a disability care service

Disabled people are an integral part of our society.

They deserve the right to enjoy and live their lives independently.

However, choosing a reliable disability service provider is a challenging process.

But don’t worry.

Here are three steps to help you connect with a suitable disability service that caters to your needs.

1.   Research, Research & Research!

Before heading out to contact any provider, you should understand your needs first.

You should have a clear idea of what type of disability service you require – it may be equipment, a home care service, or a therapy provider.

You can also get an assessment through a specialist and work out the type of disability service that best suits you.

Also, it will be helpful if you make a list of all the goals you want to achieve with your provider, including all-day activities, cleaning, nursing, and learning support.

2.   Connect With A Suitable Provider

Once you get your NDIS plan, you can contact providers who create service agreements.

These agreements will highlight the services, cost, conditions, and payment schedule of the plan. This will help you analyze whether the provider is the best fit or not.

To search for suitable providers, you can search social media platforms, check in with your area coordinator, or get recommendations from relatives.

3.   Review Credentials Carefully

Before contracting with a disability service provider, it is essential to get to know as much as you can about them.

Search their profiles, past work, and credentials to identify whether they can provide the required services.

This will give you a fair idea of what you can expect from them.


An effective disability service can elevate your and your loved ones’ lives by providing the care and support you need, when you need it.

Wondering where you can find quality disability support services?

Courage Support Service is a platform providing holistic value-driven disability services.

Book a free consultation!

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